Botryosphaeria obtusa(Schweinitz) Shoemaker (1964) |
Ascomycota / Dothideomycetes / Botryosphaeriales / Botryosphaeriaceae
Sphaeria obtusa Schweinitz (1832), Transactions of the American philosophical Society, series 2, 4(2), p. 220 (Basionyme)
Sphaeria cannabis Schweinitz (1832), Transactions of the American philosophical Society, series 2, 4(2), p. 222
Sphaeropsis malorum Peck (1883) [1881], Annual report of the New York state Museum of natural history, 34, p. 36, tab. 4, fig. 16-21 (nom. illegit.)
Physalospora obtusa (Schweinitz) Cooke (1892), Grevillea, 20(95), p. 86
Physalospora corni Ellis & Everhart (1895), Proceedings of the Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia, 47, p. 421 (nom. illegit.)
Physalospora everhartii Saccardo & P. Sydow (1899), Sylloge fungorum omnium hucusque cognitorum, 14, p. 521
Physalospora cydoniae G. Arnaud (1911), Annales de l'École nationale d'agriculture de Montpellier, série 2, 12(1), p. 9, fig. 2
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schweinitz) Shoemaker (1964), Canadian journal of botany, 42, p. 1298 (nom actuel)
Bois de feuillus
Sans intérêt
Ellis p. 21